Construction Technology

Why PCC?

Our on-site construction lab, experienced instructors and Mobile Learning Labs offer you the real-world experience you need to start a successful construction career. You’ll earn core credentials from the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Best of all, you’ll be able to use the skills you learn at PCC to improve your community. 

What Will I Learn?

PCC’s Construction Technology program provides classroom and hands-on learning experiences to help you earn core industry credentials in safety, construction drawings, communication, carpentry and more. These skills will prepare you to join the workforce, continue training, or do both. You’ll be equipped to work in residential, commercial and industrial settings to help meet the increasing demand for these skills throughout Colorado. 

Current Course Offerings:

CON 1006 - Site Prep through Foundation
Introduces blue-print reading and how they apply to the construction site. Includes in-depth introduction to site layout (materials and methods). It also covers materials and methods for concrete forms and foundations. Includes various reinforcement methods such as re-bar and welded-wire fabric.

CON 1057 - National Center for Construction Education & Research Core
Introduces the fundamentals for all construction trades to include basic construction site safety, introduction to construction math, introduction to power tools, introduction to construction drawings, basic communication skills, basic employability skills, and introduction to material handling. This course is designed as an entry level course for any of the building trades program specialties.

CON 1058 - National Center for Construction Education & Research Carpentry I
Introduces foundational level carpentry skills, basic residential construction systems, the importance of personal and workplace safety, and the role of carpenters within the construction industry.

OSH 1310 - 10-hr Construction Industry Standards
Formerly OSH 127 Provides a 10-Hour OSHA certification course for the construction industry and participants will review the current OSHA standards contained in 29 CFR 1926. Participants that complete the course will receive a certificate of completion from the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The course is taught by instructors certified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Degree & Certificate Offerings in Construction Technology:

Construction NCCER Certificate

Construction Technician Basic Mini-Certificate

Award/Program Credits

Construction Technology AAS

Award/Program Credits

Program Information

Manufacturing & Automotive
Certificate, Mini-Certificate, AAS


Perry Pepper

Construction Certificates

Fall Program

Construction Program Flyer - Click Here