In Case of Emergency,
Call 911
To report a crime, threat, or urgent safety concern, contact Campus Police at
PCC encourages students to use the following forms to report concerns or concerning incidents.
ACADEMIC CONCERNS : Use this form to report an academic concern. An academic concern is defined as a concern with instructor behavior, class policies and/or practices, and unfair expectations or demands.
If you believe that you have been unlawfully discriminated against, harassed, or otherwise harmed, please complete the Discrimination/Harassment Complaint listed below.
CONCERN / COMPLAINT : Use this form to report a complaint about a service department or an employee in a service department. If your concern or complaint is about an instructor or an issue relating to an academic course, please use the Academic Concern Form. Examples of service departments are the Go!Zone, Financial Aid, Cashier, Public Safety, Advising, Bookstore, etc.
If you believe that you have been unlawfully discriminated against, harassed, or otherwise harmed, please complete the Discrimination/Harassment Complaint listed below.
STUDENT CONDUCT or DISTRESSING / DISTURBING STUDENT BEHAVIOR : Use this form to report alleged violations of the PCC Student Code of Conduct, including academic misconduct, as well as distressing or disturbing student behavior.
If you believe that you have been unlawfully discriminated against, harassed, or otherwise harmed, please complete the Discrimination/Harassment Complaint listed below.
Report Student Conduct/ Distressing or Disturbing Student Behavior
FACILITIES CONCERN : Use this form to report a problem or concern about a College building, classroom, exterior grounds, etc. Please note the quickest and most effective way to submit your concern is by contacting the Facilities Office at 719-549-3345 or by speaking with a Facilities or Housekeeping staff member.
If you believe that you have been unlawfully discriminated against, harassed, or otherwise harmed, please complete the Discrimination/Harassment Complaint listed below.
DISCRIMINATION / HARASSMENT COMPLAINT : Use this form if you believe that you have been unlawfully discriminated against, harassed, or otherwise harmed. You are encouraged to fill out this form; however, you can also contact PCC Human Resources at 719-549-3220 or by email at to have your complaint addressed.
Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Form
COLORADO INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION COMPLAINT: The Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) is a coordinating agency, not a regulatory agency. Therefore, the CDHE has limited jurisdiction over institutions of higher education (IHEs) in the state of Colorado. The CDHE may only consider complaints pertaining to Statewide transfer and GT Pathways issues and the Student Bill of Rights. Prior to filing a complaint with the CDHE, students must follow the appeal procedures at their IHE. Each IHE has a process for addressing student complaints. Filing a complaint with the CDHE is the last resort.
NOTE: Pueblo Community College does not tolerate false reporting. Any person found to have purposefully reported false information may be subject to disciplinary and/or criminal action.