Online Learning

Get one FREE 3-credit class!

Interested in taking a FREE class? PCC is offering new students who register for classes 3 FREE credits with our 3 on Me offer. This offer covers up to $500 in tuition. To qualify, you simply need to be a Colorado resident and be eligible for the College Opportunity Fund program. To accept this offer, simply apply to PCC. We’ll take care of the rest!

Don’t wait – classes start soon!

3 on me - Enroll now and receive 3 credits for FREE

Learn anytime. Learn anywhere.

What classes does PCC offer online?

Browse the current semester class list for online classes. When you find a class you want to take, just jot down the 5-digit CRN so you can register easily for the class once you're ready.

What degrees can I complete online?

PCC offers degrees and certificates that you can complete entirely online. Additional online degrees can be earned when supplemented with on-campus classes. Our online programs are listed on the degrees and certificates page.

Will I need to come to campus?

There may be instances where students are required to come to campus. These include orientations, internships, specialized laboratory work, proficiency check-offs, proctored exams and final industry certifications.

Online tuition and related costs

Tuition rates for online courses are different from those of traditional courses. Students must have access to a computer with internet connection, a web camera and microphone. The camera and microphone are required for recording video presentations, online meetings and proctoring of online tests.

For other costs associated with online courses, visit the tuition and fees page. Some courses have lab and special course costs. View the online course fees to see a list of online courses and their associated fees.

Steps to take online classes

Are online classes right for you? Find out how to enroll.


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PCC eLearning
Mon-Fri - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

1-888-642-6017 ext. 3310