New Students

Get one FREE 3-credit class!

Interested in taking a FREE class? PCC is offering new students or returning students that have been out for at least 1 semester (excluding summer) 3 FREE credits with our 3 on Me offer. To qualify, you simply need to be a Colorado resident and be eligible for the College Opportunity Fund program. To accept this offer, simply apply to PCC. We’ll take care of the rest!

Don’t wait – classes start soon!

3 on me - Enroll now and receive 3 credits for FREE

Start in the Studio

The New Student Studio is PCC’s one-stop shop for all of your enrollment needs. We provide assistance and direction to you in many areas such as admissions, financial aid and scholarships, placement testing, and more. We want all students to think of the New Student Studio as a place where they can get their questions answered! The New Student Studio is located on the Pueblo Campus in the Student Center, room 251.

Apply Online

Apply online anytime, anywhere. PCC is an open-access institution – once you submit your application, you’re accepted.

Financial Aid

PCC is affordable. More than 68% of our students qualify for financial aid and we offer numerous resources for scholarships and student loans.

Visit Campus

We have beautiful campuses. Take a tour and see for yourself!

New Student Orientation

All new students are encouraged to take part in an orientation session. You’ll learn about PCC’s many student resources and meet new friends.

New Student Checklist

Become a PCC student in a few simple steps. Have questions? Stop by the New Student Studio.

Already Accepted?

Time to dig deeper! Get details about student discounts, paying for college and ways to stay connected at PCC.