Disclaimers and Legal Notices

Reasonable accommodations for students are established on a case-by-case basis upon request for persons with disabilities. To make a request, please contact The Accessibility Center. For accommodations for PCC employees, contact Human Resources.

Criminal background and drug checks are required if you are admitted to a limited entry program. Certain felonies or misdemeanors will preclude you from entering a limited-entry program (all health certificates and/or degree programs and Automotive). Students should check with their program advisor for specific requirements and due dates.

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990, the Pueblo Community College Annual Security Report is published each year in order to provide accurate information to potential and current students and employees about campus crime statistics, campus crime logs, and policies regarding the safety and security of the campus community. Download the Campus Security Report.

All CORA requests for Pueblo Community College must be submitted to the College's Custodian of Records located at 900 W. Orman Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004. Please see the procedures for filing a CORA request.

Pueblo Community College is committed to facilitating access to instruction, communication, and business processes for the broadest possible audience. We are actively working toward incorporating the principles of Universal Design and using the World Wide Web Consortium's WCAG 2.1 - level AA standards in the design, development, implementation, and enhancement of all web-based information and services. To request accommodations for a class, please visit the Accessibility Center website to register with their office.

Notice of Non-Discrimination 
Pueblo Community College prohibits discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on the basis of sex, gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran or military status, pregnancy or related conditions, marital status, religion, genetic information, gender identity, sexual orientation, sex characteristics, sex stereotypes, gender expression, or any other class or category protected under applicable local, state or federal law (also known as “civil rights” laws) in connection with its employment practices or educational programs and activities. Pueblo Community College will take appropriate steps to ensure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in vocational education programs.

The College has designated the Vice President of Human Resources as its AA/EEO and Title IX Coordinator, with the responsibility to coordinate the college’s Civil Rights Compliance Activities and Grievance Procedures. If you have any questions, please contact the Vice President of Human Resources, 900 W. Orman Avenue, Central Administration Building, Room 111, telephone 719.549.3220, email pcchr@pueblocc.edu. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Region VIII, Federal Office Building, 1244 North Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204; phone: 303.844.3417.

Aviso de No Discriminación
Pueblo Community College prohíbe la discriminación, el acoso o las represalias basadas en el sexo, género, raza, color, edad, credo, origen nacional o étnico, ascendencia, discapacidad física o mental, estatus de veterano o militar, embarazo o condiciones relacionadas, estado civil, religión, información genética, identidad de género, orientación sexual, características sexuales, estereotipos de género, expresión de género, o cualquier otra clase o categoría protegida bajo las leyes locales, estatales o federales aplicables (también conocidas como leyes de “derechos civiles”) en relación con sus prácticas laborales o programas y actividades educativas. Pueblo Community College tomará las medidas adecuadas para garantizar que la falta de habilidades en el idioma inglés no sea un obstáculo para la admisión y participación en los programas de educación vocacional.

El Colegio ha designado al Vicepresidente de Recursos Humanos como su Coordinador de AA/EEO y Título IX, con la responsabilidad de coordinar las Actividades de Cumplimiento de los Derechos Civiles y los Procedimientos de Quejas del colegio. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Vicepresidente de Recursos Humanos, 900 W. Orman Avenue, Edificio de Administración Central, Sala 111, teléfono 719.549.3220, correo electrónico pcchr@pueblocc.edu. También puede comunicarse con la Oficina de Derechos Civiles, Departamento de Educación de EE. UU., Región VIII, Edificio Federal, 1244 North Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204; teléfono: 303.844.3417.

In accordance with the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) of 2003, Pueblo Community College adheres to the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) Red Flag Rule (A Red Flag is any pattern, practice, or specific activity that indicates the possible existence of identity theft), which implements Section 114 of the FACTA and to the Colorado Community College System's Identity Theft Prevention and Detection Program, which is intended to prevent, detect, and mitigate identity theft in connection with establishing new covered accounts or an existing covered account held by the Colorado Community College System (System or CCCS) or one of its thirteen (13) community colleges, and to provide for continued administration of the Program. If a transaction is deemed fraudulent, appropriate action will occur. Action may include but is not limited to cancelling of the transaction, notifying and cooperating with law enforcement, reporting to the Dean of Students Office, and notifying the affected parties.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), commonly known as the Buckley Amendment, affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. FERPA rights are afforded to the students at the time of course registration. The Act helps protect the privacy of your records by requiring that PCC limits the disclosure of information from these records to third persons, as well as notify you of the right to review and correct your records.

Pueblo Community College (PCC) may release the following directory information about you to the public:

  • Student name
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Height and weight (only for students in officially recognized activities and sports)
  • Major field of study
  • Most recent educational institution attended
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Enrollment status (full time, part time, etc.)

For more information about FERPA policies and procedures, students can visit the FERPA page on the PCC website.

Pueblo Community College welcomes comments, suggestions, and feedback from students, staff, faculty, or guests of the College. Individuals are encouraged to provide feedback or seek resolution about any concern or complaint at the lowest and informal level, progressing through the chain of command at all PCC campuses and sites. If the concern or complaint has not been resolved through the informal process, please submit a written complaint. Learn more about the grievance procedures and processes.

Under Colorado law, no person shall be enrolled in a state supported institution of higher education for a period of twelve months following the date of a guilty verdict, guilty plea, no contest plea, or a deferred judgement and sentence for inciting riot, arming rioters, or engaging in a riot. Please review 23-5-124, C.R.S.

Pueblo Community College often uses photographs and audio/video recordings of college life, events, ceremonies, and other activities for purposes related to the educational mission of the college, including education, research, publicity, marketing and promotion of college programs. By being present in areas open to the public or at public college events and activities, individuals authorize use and reproduction by the college, or anyone authorized by the college, of any photographs or recordings taken while at the college event or activity without compensation. All such photographs and recordings (including electronic) shall be the sole property of the college.

The college may work with individuals requesting to be excluded from college photography/recordings when practical. Individuals not wanting to be photographed or recorded have the option of leaving the area being photographed/recorded.

In compliance with the U.S. Department of Education for participation in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA), Pueblo Community College (PCC) provides information pertaining to professional licensure and certification in correlation with programs offered at PCC that may lead to state licensure.

Visit our Professional Licensure Disclosure page for more information.

The "Keep Jobs in Colorado Act of 2013", H.B. 13-1292, (effective January 1, 2014) requires that Pueblo Community College post its rationale for the selection of contracting method on the College's public projects. Rationale information will include project schedule impacts, cost, limitations, complexity of work and other project-specific information that impacts the selection of contracting method. Pueblo Community College will post its rational for projects governed by H.B. 13-1292 upon the date of a project's first published solicitation until thirty (30) calendar days after a Notice of Award is issued for the project.

System President Procedure SP 19.60a provides that employees and students shall not be subjected to unlawful discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of sex/gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, pregnancy status, religion or sexual orientation in employment conditions or educational programs or activities. File a complaint. See PCC's overview and purpose of sexual misconduct policy and resources available on campus and in the community.

PCC is tobacco free as of fall 2017 at all PCC campuses. Violations of this policy will subject students to disciplinary sanction(s).

  • Pueblo Community (PCC) is currently a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) and is working cooperatively with higher education authorities in all U.S. states and territories to ensure compliance with state authorization requirements that govern the offering of courses in those states or territories, including complaint processes. PCC will continue to monitor developments in the U.S. states and territories in which it has prospective or enrolled students. If authorization or licensure is or becomes necessary, it will obtain approvals or provide disclosures of the jurisdictions in which it is not authorized to offer courses or programs.
  • California is not a member of NC-SARA. The California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (CBPPE) regulates distance education offerings of private institutions to residents of California. Since Pueblo Community College is a public institution, PCC is exempt from approval by the CBPPE. Students residing in California who are pursuing degrees or certificates at PCC that will lead to a professional licensure are strongly encouraged to consult with the appropriate licensing agency in California to verify that the degree or certificate offered by PCC will meet any California licensing requirements, prior to starting the degree or certificate.
  • If you are not an on-campus student at the PCC and plan to enroll in distance classes, please check the NC-SARA Map to verify that your state has either authorized or exempted PCC to offer classes or programs to you as a resident of your state.
  • If you have a complaint against a higher education state agency responsible for state authorizations, please see the complaint process. Please follow the process outlined on the webpage.
  • If you already contacted PCC, and nothing was resolved, your next step is to file a complaint with Colorado SPE (State Portal Entity). To find the name of a contact, please open the NC-SARA Directory, and click on Colorado on the map; locate Pueblo Community College (PCC) in the list and click on the “Colorado Department of Higher Education” link located on the right. The name of the SPE contact will appear. You will then contact this person listed and advise the contact you would like to file a complaint.

For each student services transaction, students are required to verity their identification before any service is provided. Examples of identification can be:

  • A series of questions unique to that particular student;
  • Producing a College identification card;
  • Producing a high school identification card; or
  • Producing some other form of identification that is considered a “secure and verifiable document” which means it must be issued by a state or federal jurisdiction or recognized by the United States government and that it is verifiable by federal or state law enforcement, intelligence, or homeland security agencies

See more about Student Transaction Policies and Procedures at: BP 4-60 and SP 4-60.

Through the Higher Education Act, the National Voter Registration Act, and Colorado law, PCC is required to distribute voter registration forms to students. PCC is in compliance with making a good faith effort by notifying each student enrolled in a degree or certificate program on how to register to vote. A paper form can be selected and mailed to the Secretary of State’s office. Students with disabilities can access the Voter Registration Application in the Disability Resources Center.