Assessment of Student Learning


Assessment of Student Learning Coordinator
Liz Medendorp
Academic Building 250W

Pueblo Community College is committed to our students’ success, and assessment is a critical part of our strategy to continuously improve student learning and ensure that PCC students are fully equipped with the valuable skills and knowledge they will need to be successful in their future endeavors.

 Assessment of Student Learning is a comprehensive initiative to evaluate student learning across the college with respect to particular goals and outcomes that we value and desire for our students, with the ultimate aim of strengthening our programs by offering students plentiful and varied opportunities to develop, reinforce, and master those competencies throughout their studies at PCC.

The process of assessment is ongoing and cyclical, following these core steps:

Assessment Cycle: Step 1. Establish and align goals for student learning across the college, within programs, and for each course.Step 2. Assess how well students are learning and achieving these goals.Step 3. Interpret assessment results to identify gaps in learning.Step 4. Develop and implement changes to improve instruction, curriculum, and support services to fill these gaps.

Successful and meaningful Assessment of Student Learning is collaborative and faculty-driven, requiring the participation of all who are interested in the quality of the educational experience we offer at Pueblo Community College, including students, faculty, administrators, and community partners.

PCC Assessment Blog

Discover a range of assessment materials including our shared goals as an institution, rubrics for assessing core learning outcomes, current activities, training and support resources, recent assessment results, and future plans for improvement.

The broader, college-wide goals for student learning are known as Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs). All programs at Pueblo Community College emphasize experiences that promote learning in these five areas:

  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving through their ability to interpret and analyze information, explore implications, construct logical conclusions, and formulate creative solutions.
  • Effective Communication through their ability to organize and express ideas clearly, purposefully, and compellingly, attending to the needs of the audience and following disciplinary conventions.
  • Quantitative Reasoning through their ability to interpret, explain, represent, and apply quantifiable information to identify connections, formulate reasonable solutions, and defend conclusions.
  • Textual Literacy through their ability to comprehend, locate, evaluate, and select and apply suitable information, materials, and methods in order to accomplish tasks.
  • Professionalism& Social Consciousness through their ability to demonstrate personal responsibility, interpersonal skills through appropriate conduct and teamwork, and civic and cultural engagement.