Campus Safety Information

Tips to keep you safe

Each individual must recognize the need to take the necessary precautions to prevent incidents of crime against themselves or other members of the Pueblo Community College campus.

Take every step to assure that you follow safe practices while on any PCC campus or site.

  • If you approach your car during the evening hours, make a visible check of your car’s interior, and under your car before you get in.
  • Walk in well-lit areas.
  • Be cautious with people you meet for the first time.
  • Don’t leave campus with someone you don’t really know.
  • Don’t leave purses or backpacks unattended.
  • If a person’s behavior is threatening to you, do not hesitate to contact the Pueblo Campus Police Department at 719-549-3355, call 911, or any PCC administrator. 
  • Secure all valuables in vehicles out of sight.  Many “smash-and- grab” thieves act on impulse, so please keep all your belongings out of plain view.
  • Lock all vehicle doors when unattended even sunroofs.  Almost one-fourth of thefts from vehicles were from unlocked doors.
  • Activate your vehicle’s alarm if you have one.
  • Place your valuables in your trunk prior to parking.  Thieves may be watching you in the parking lot.
  • After placing your belongings in your trunk also hide your cell phone, MP3, Radar Detectors, or any other electronic devices.                               
  • Be aware of your surroundings!
  • Have the number to Pueblo Campus Police Department programmed into your cell phones (719) 549-3355 or call 911. 
  • During the evening park close to a building entrance or well-lit area.
  • If you feel unsafe, contact one of our Pueblo Campus police officers at 719-549-3355 to be escorted to your vehicle.

Fremont Campus Contact:

  • PCC Police Department – 719.296.6130, Cañon City Police Department - 719.276.5608, or call 911.

Mancos Campus Contact:

  • Montezuma Sheriff’s Department – 970.565.8452, or call 911.

Durango Site Contact:

  • Durango Police Department – 970.375.4700, or call 911.


PCC Police Department

Student Center, Room 103
Gorsich Advanced Technology Center, Room 131