Forestry, Wildfire Mitigation and Natural Resources

Help conserve and protect our planet

Are you interested in working to conserve our natural resources and help keep people connected with nature? With a certificate or degree in forestry, wildfire mitigation, or natural resources from PCC Southwest, you’ll be at the forefront of conserving and protecting our planet.

By engaging in our program's interactive and cooperative learning experience, you will acquire critical skills that are highly valued in the workforce, including effective communication, teamwork, and critical thinking. These skills will serve you well in any professional context. The program opens doors to various career paths, from education and community engagement to conserving forests and wildlands, land stewardship, policy formation, and consultancy services.


  • Basic Wildland Fire Certificate (through Wildland Fire Academy)
  • Two-semester certificate in Forestry & Wildland Fire
  • Two-year degree coming soon

Classes Start February 17

NRE 1100 – Foundations of Forestry
This course is an introduction to conservation and the science of forestry and will present the principles of forest science, ecology, tree identification, forest fire behavior, and more.

NRE 1110 – Forestry Field Techniques
This course introduces students to technician-level skills in forestry. Here you will learn about forest surveying, navigation, GPS software, and more.

Coming Summer 2025

Wildland Fire Academy - June 2-7
This week-long training offers participants the opportunity to be able to apply for a red card and work as a wildland firefighter!


Perry Pepper
Regional Director of Academic Services

Laurel Smerch