Law Enforcement Academy

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Why PCC?

The PCC Law Enforcement Academy program provides an in-depth analysis of the three components of the criminal justice system – law enforcement, the judicial system and corrections – with special emphasis on criminology, substantive criminal law, procedural criminal law and constitutional law. We place a strong emphasis on reading and comprehension skills, written and verbal communication skills, and empathetic awareness of cultural diversity.

Local departments want to hire our graduates because our standards are higher. In order to pass the academy, you must maintain a score of at least 75% on all tests. Our goal is 90% for our students. In addition, the higher standard means that PCC students are more likely to be successful when taking the statewide Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) test.

Our Pueblo Law Enforcement Academy instructors range in rank from street/road officers to command staff from the SO and PD and include a retired district attorney and retired judge. All lead skills instructors meet or exceed POST requirements for instruction in their skills area. Their experience ranges from five to 45 years in the field.

All POST academies are required to provide the same curriculum and training throughout the state. We feel the leadership of our academy and the knowledge and experience of our instructional staff put us a step ahead of other academies.

The Southwest Regional Law Enforcement Academy in Mancos includes 30 instructors who are active police officers representing nine local agencies in the southwest region of Colorado. Currently, instructors range in rank from street officers to chiefs of police. All lead skills instructors meet or exceed POST requirements for instruction in their skills area. Instructors' experience ranges from three to 35 years in the field.

The location of the Southwest Campus allows the academy to be housed in a building designated for use by law enforcement. The Colorado State Patrol occupies an office within the building, allowing students direct exposure to active duty officers. In addition, the campus recently renovated its gym with new equipment to enhance the physical fitness program requirements.  

What will I learn?

Training includes, but is not limited to, criminal process, judicial process, Colorado Criminal Code, patrol and investigation techniques, firearms, driving and arrest control. You also will be exposed to scenario-based training where you apply what you have learned to specific situations.

Upon completion of the program, you will have the basic foundation of knowledge to successfully complete the statewide POST exam. POST curriculum requires 556 hours of specified training. Our academy offers 684-775 hours with most of the extra hours dedicated to teaching officer safety and high-liability skills such as firearms, driving and arrest control.

Degree requirements

Total credits: 67
General education – 15 credits
Core curriculum – 37 credits
Related requirements – 15 credits


Marijuana Policy

THC (marijuana) is part of the required 10-panel drug screen prior to admittance into any Health Professions or Public Safety program at PCC. The passage of Amendment 64 in the State of Colorado, does not overrule Federal law, which states this is still an illegal substance. Students testing positive for THC (marijuana, including prescription marijuana) will not be allowed entrance or re-entrance into a Health or Public Safety program.

Degree & Certificate Offerings in Law Enforcement:

Law Enforcement Academy Certificate

Award/Program Credits

Law Enforcement, AAS

Award/Program Credits

Program Information

Pueblo Campus
Mancos Campus
Public Safety & Fire Science
Certificate, AAS
Course Availability
Program Start
Fall, Spring


Leroy Mora
Medical Technology Building
Room 113

Administrative Assistant
Stefana Adcock

Doug Parker, Coordinator
33057 Highway 160
Mancos, CO 81328