President's Leadership Program

Leadership is an Action, not a Position.

Donald McGannon

The President’s Leadership Program at Pueblo Community College is a four-semester program that includes two required core leadership courses (six credit hours) and two elective courses (also six hours) that the student selects from a wide choice of academic courses offered at PCC. The two required courses include Leadership (Management 224) and Introduction to Civic Leadership (Public Service 230). Upon the completion of the PLP, students will earn a certificate in Leadership in addition to any degrees earned. PCC students who successfully complete their degree program as specified are also eligible to apply for a Destination CSU-Pueblo Scholarship.

President's Leadership Program Application

STEM Students in President's Leadership Program

STEM students of PLP is a four-semester program that focuses on a STEM field which also includes two required core leadership courses totaling six credit hours and two elective courses that the student selects from a wide choice of academic courses offered at PCC. The two required courses are Leadership (Management 224) and Introduction to Civic Leadership (Public Service 230). PCC students who successfully complete their STEM degree program as specified are also eligible to apply for a Destination CSU-Pueblo Scholarship.

Eligible participants will:

  • Have demonstrated outstanding extracurricular involvement, volunteerism and/or successful work experience.

Other requirements of the initiative are attendance/participation in and/or planning of:

  • Student leadership retreats
  • New Student Orientation session
  • Campus club or organization
  • Community service projects in collaboration with Destination Imagination
  • Leadership conference and seminars
  • Social or education campus event in collaboration with CSU-Pueblo’s PLP

Paramount in the program goals is to foster the development of a student’s:

  • Personal leadership skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Knowledge of leadership theory
  • Civic engagement
  • Appreciation for diversity

PLP team heading to global competition

Participants in the President’s Leadership Program recently took first place in the statewide Destination Imagination technical challenge called Lead the Way...


President's Leadership Program
Jeffrey Wingham

Dr. Kimberly Kushner