PCC to require COVID testing for unvaccinated staff, students

PUEBLO – Pueblo Community College will require weekly COVID testing for unvaccinated employees and students beginning in January 2022.

PCC President Patty Erjavec announced the decision Thursday. It aligns with the policy recently announced by the Colorado Community College System, of which PCC is a member.

“We want to be as flexible and accommodating as possible for everyone,” said Erjavec. “We are requiring testing to ensure an ongoing safe environment for you to work, teach, and learn.”

Employees and students who work on campus, attend in-person classes, access support services or participate in other on-campus activities will have the option to provide weekly COVID-19 test results or submit evidence that they are fully vaccinated. Test results and vaccination verification will be submitted securely online. PCC will announce details about that process as soon as they are available.

Students who choose not to undergo testing or provide proof of vaccination will have the option of taking remote classes that don’t require them to be on campus.

PCC will continue to require masks indoors in gathering spaces such as classrooms, labs, libraries and study areas. 

“I know these are disruptive times, but I am hopeful that we as a college body will remain united and focused on our role and mission as we strive to provide the best academic and student service experiences for our students and the safest, most respectful place of employment,” Erjavec said.

Founded in 1933, Pueblo Community College is a premier teaching institution focused on providing academic and service excellence, without discrimination, to help its students acquire the 21st-century skills needed to better their lives. An educational and technological leader, PCC fosters economic development and utilizes strong partnerships in the communities it serves through its Pueblo, Fremont and Southwest campuses. 


Public Relations Coordinator
Amy Matthew

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